
Is it legal to be stopped by a cop in your driveway?

by  |  earlier

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I recently was driving home one night at 1am-ish, and notice I was being followed by a cop. they followed me to my driveway, kept going and slowly back up after a few minutes. I didn't not leave my car, because I was scared. Then minutes later after watching, they walked up to my car to pull me over in my driveway?! Saying my tag was quote reported stolen. Then later they said that I didn't fully stop at a stop sign (untrue), and that I didn't turn my signal to turn in a residential neighborhood (the only thing true). My boyfriend who was on his way appeared and it was only at that point, they turned their siren on. A ticket was never issued, but its seems they never had a correct reason to pull me over, and didnt follow procedure.

Sorry for the length...but there was no other way to explain it.




  1. completely legal.

  2. It is legal because the United States B.S. amendment to the Freedom of Information Act enacted on Sept. 3rd 2006 provides public access to motor vehicle driver's information in an electronic format. Under the Motor Vehicle Operator License Identification Act (MOLIA), all US states are required to adhere to the Driver's B.S. statute and store an electronic copy of all valid drivers licenses in their state.

  3. I was doing that in Nacogdoches back in the 80's. Yes, it's legal.

  4. Yes. I've pulled plenty of people over in their driveway or what they pretended to be their driveway. Of course a drivers license proves if it's their house or not. You don't need a siren to pull a person over and actually, the siren was uncalled for if you ask me. Maybe he should have used his lights, but not a siren.

    Anyways, if he said you didn't stop a stop sign and you say it's untrue, what you said doesn't actually matter. If he feels you didn't come to a complete stop, he can pull you over. You may have did a rolling stop. Either way, you didn't get a ticket for it so you don't have to contest it in court.

    It is also very possible the cop thought you were hot and was just following you because he was creepy and just made all that up. There are some weird ones out there and some of the ones I work with would probably pull something like that...and have.

    Just be glad you didn't get a ticket and if you think he was up to something creep, watch out for him...Did you get his name?

  5. Failing to signal during a turn is a violation of the law so the stop was valid based on that alone.  The fact you sat in your car for a prolonged period of time probably also increased their suspicion that possibly you turned in the drive because they were following (people will turn into place they don't belong just to elude the Police).  Nothing prevents an Officer from stopping you in your driveway.  I have stopped people in their driveway and arrested them numerous times.

  6. Sounds to me like they followed procedure.  They thought your vehicle was suspicious for some reason they they stopped to check it out.  The cops didn't do anything wrong, and since you didn't get a ticket what does it matter?

  7. if your vehicle had truly been stolen, you would be now praising them for the extra efforts they went to......

  8. If a cop believes that you've committed a traffic violation or any other offense, he could legally follow you right into your living room and warn/cite you there if he wanted. There is no need for a warrant to enter private property when in the close pursuit of a suspected offender.

  9. Given the situation stated by yourself, I would have sensed suspicion; and you would have been stopped for the offenses, and subsequently investigated for the furtive behavior....

  10. Now if you would have jumped out of the car and ran to the tree in the front yard and yelled" Ollie,Ollie, Oceans free. You'd have been safe.

    If that doesnt work, try covering your eyes up so they wont see you.

    In reality, it was a fishing expedition. They probably waited until the plates came back on the car so they knew who they were dealing with before approaching.. In Illinois, the time frame to make and arrest for a misdemeanor traffic charge is 18 months. That is assuming some major investigation but there is no certain time limit set for when or where a stop is made. Haste too often injures people. I am sure they were curious for some reason and when you checked out legit, it was all over with.

    If they were newer or younger police, they were just curious or suspicious about why you were where you were and at what time. If Police werent curious, noone would ever be arrested.

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