
Is it legal to buy a mouse but to feed it ALIVE to your pet tarantula?

by  |  earlier

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There are many videos on youtube of this happening and it is absolutely sickening. I feel sick after watching every video. Is this even legal? People basically put their tarantula in a container and then feed the mouse to it, and people watch the tarantula kill the mouse with blood and everything. where is this behaviour illegal and can the owner(s) be prosecuted?




  1. yea its what they eat o.o

  2. yes. you are feeding another pet, its not like your killing it... the tarantula is.  

  3. Yeah of course it's legal.

    It may seem wrong, but it's "nature".

    Stores actually sell mice specifically for feeding snakes and I guess tarantualas too.

    Mice as food for snakes is equivalent to carrots as food for rabbits.... (except obviously mice are alive and animals.......)

    It happens in nature, but I think it's really sick that people like watching it and think it's great entertainment.

  4. Its the food chain- do you think tarantulas dine on salad in the wild. I use to toss baby mice in to feed my snakes. Its very very legal- your being naive

  5. No some pet shops actually feed live mice and rats to their snakes, it isn't against the law, it is what happens in nature.  But I wouldn't watch it.  Yuck!

  6. i have no idea as to the legalities but i love you for bringin it up lol

  7. This is some sickening act and these people doing this are messed up. It aint neccesary to give a tarantula a mouse its just done for some form of fun or something. What if a cat was bought just to make sure a bear was kept in good shape? surely that would be illegal so why any different from a mouse? its just plain wrong.  

  8. it happens in nature all the time, what's the difference?

  9. That is sad! I believe that mice are bred for that capacity, so it's not illegal.  Just gruesome, but the same goes for humans that eat steak and ham.

  10. that wold be crul=[

  11. yes it is legal but it is nasty.

  12. hmm sounds likke fun to me

  13. hello there

    unfortunately,it is very legal.they are called as "feeder mouse".they are bred specially for this see,according to feeder mouse breeders,these kind of rats can easily be bred and so,they can easily be "replaced".i know it is a bit cruel.

    it counts as animal cruelty but we just got to realize this fact:it is just according to the natural food chain.even in the wild,tarantulas do this.i'm afraid it is just the way nature works...

    owners cannot be persecuted by doing is perfectly legal.even in zoos,they do this.

    have a nice day!  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚˜Â¼

  14. it is illegal in parts of europe i think. unless you have some license. it is a stupid and horrible act. people who feed live rodents are damned losers that need a better hobby. exception-if you are a rehabilitator working with wildlife. otherwise...loser.

    EDIT-@deejayspop-since when is an animal in a damned fish tank "nature"?

    EDIT-@damo92-thank you for being one of the too few intelligent people.

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