
Is it legal to carry a pistol from Indiana to NYC on a greyhound bus?If I have a gun permit?

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Is it legal to carry a pistol from Indiana to NYC on a greyhound bus?If I have a gun permit?




  1. put it in your bag and under the bus shoul dbe ok but really your only legal in indiana to carry it

  2. No, you can't carry it across Indiana state lines.  

  3. The answer is no and i think it a stupid rule,i drove from PA to Oklahoma and i asked the sate police if i could take my 44 mag along because i ave a permit for it.

    The aswer was no because of crossing state lines and if i did tak it along keep it hidden but this was befor 9/11

  4. maybe because u are crossing state lines so call and make sure

  5. I'm not sure about Greyhound's policy on that.  But, assuming that they allow it, you would then have to check the concealed carry laws for each state you're going through.  New York, for example, does not recognize out of state concealed carry permits.  So you would have to unload and lock up the pistol in a hard case, etc., before entering the state.  I'm not positive about the other states you'll go through, but you can check.

    They really should have given you all this information when you applied for your permit.

  6. I'm guessing no because not every state has the same laws about guns. I would also check into grey hounds rules on it also.

  7. You would be safer having it shipped. Just beware of quiet asian guys with big knives. Remember the case in Canada a couple of weeks ago.

  8. maybe but check the bus rules first and state laws

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