
Is it legal to carry pepper spray on your person where you live?

by  |  earlier

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Where I live, pepper spray is classified as a restricted weapon[1], only Peace Officers (Police, Conservation Officers, CBSA, Bylaw Officers, Animal Control Officers, Special Constables, etc.) may legally carry pepper spray for use on humans.

Bear spray is ok, because we have BEARS. Crabby bears, cranky bears. But if you use the bear spray against humans you will be prosecuted.

And where you live, what is the law?




  1. It's legal to carry it in Canada but not to use it on people ( so we call it bear spray)

    Now, why people carry bear spray in downtown Toronto is beyond me.....

  2. it is legal in california to carry tear gas mace/pepper spray. you can buy it at any local big 5 sporting goods. you can carry it on your person or in a purse or car or what not.

  3. its legal here to have pepper spray.

    and hey if somebody attacks me or something bad happens, then i have the right to use it. because thats personal defense. but i think you should be prosecuted if you just randomly spray people with pepper spray for the heck of it.

  4. They are prohibited for use by the general public in Australia. I find it absolutely ridiculous.

    There are however, excellent alternatives. I had a conversation with a police officer who suggested I carry a small mag light. It fits in the back pocket of my jeans comfortably, and you can also store it in a reasonably small handbag. The great thing about these torches, is that they're made out of metal, and are very useful when in need of self defence. They can gouge eyes, break ribs, and if you were to pack a punch with it in your hand, it would have much more force, and render the attacker impotent. You can also disorientate an attacker, if you were to shine it in their eyes.

    They are not considered weapons, since they obviously also have another use, so if you were to be questioned about  it, you are merely carrying a torch. (as suggested by said police officer)

    And the best thing about them is, you can also take the top off the torch and it can double as a candle, for romantic candle-lit dinners, anytime and anywhere ;-)

  5. Here in TEXAS we can carry guns. Sounds like a place ran by liberals where you live.

  6. GUNS  FOREVER !!.....

  7. Nope, in NSW, Australia it's not legal to carry a concealed weapon of any kind, including 'implements' (such as screwdrivers) which are intended to be used as weapons.

    I guess the idea is to stop burglars carrying around stuff they can use to break in with, as much as it is to stop people have concealed weapons.

    But of course, the cops would have to prove you were intending to use that screwdriver to harm someone, not just take a table apart.

    That would be easy or hard ~ depending on the circumstances. If they found it sticking out of someone, it might be harder to make a case for having it 'just in case I have to do carpentry'.

    In general, anything that might be used to harm another person MIGHT be considered to be a weapon depending on the circumstances.

    Personally, yeah I'm basically in agreement with it. Most rapists don't hang about waiting for someone to fumble about in their bag to find their pepper spray, or whatever, and if you're attacked by surprise or taken unawares ~ which is the majority of cases, that weapon could be used against you.

    And, in the twisted mentality of most rapists, defending yourself can give them 'licence' to be more violent towards you and do more physical damage.

    ALSO ~ if you can legally carry it, don't forget that means the would-be rapist can also legally carry it. Legally means anyone can use it, and if they're going to be raping they're not going to think 'oh no, this is only for defensive purposes', are they?.

    However, if someone happens to have a weapon and injures someone who's attacking or raping them, I'm not inclined to be too sympathetic.

    Cheers :-)

  8. Not in Australia. The worst you can carry is, and it's still very dubious, a *small* pocketknife or keys (which can be used as weapons)

    Doesn't stop us making our own damaging potions. ("Us" being high school students)

  9. wow.. you live in California or something?

        I never really heard of pepper spray, but in Pennsylvania it is legal to carry mace and a tazer as long as you don't miss use it.

         Also legal to carry a concealed firearm if you have a permit.

  10. I can carry pepper spray, but can only use for self defense (or if I wish to season something).

  11. I live in Australia and I never even thought about pepper spray before; so I looked it up:

    In Western Australia, it is legal for a person to carry pepper spray for lawful defense, if that person has, on reasonable grounds, a suspicion or belief that he or she will require the pepper spray to defend himself or herself. However, the person found carrying the pepper spray carries the burden of proving a "reasonable belief or suspicion" rather than the prosecution. [1]. In all other states and territories in Australia, pepper spray is considered illegal. - Courtesy of diamond grade

  12. since itz illegal 2 carry peperspray were u live -

    u kan probably get awaye wit a mini bottle of axe in yer purse or somtin

    iv herd that workz wel 2

  13. Legal here in Pa. Have it...... never used it.

    I carry a metal kubaton.

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