
Is it legal to create a fake identity online?

by Guest61309  |  earlier

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Is it legal in the UK or the US to make up a fake identity online, and with it, find out where people live and information about their personal life, and convince people that you are somebody, who really does not exist?




  1. Uhhh NO!

  2. No and sometimes for young teens on the internet, it's ENCOURAGED. But no it's not a crime. So feel free to snoop away. Unless you're using it for illegal activity then you're fine. (If it's a "boyfriend" test, it's legal)

  3. It is not illegal to have aliases    on line but it becomes illegal if you use them to defraud, to harass or in the process of seducing a young person. However to give too much personal information out to well meaning (or sadly not so well meaning) contacts is something you should be wary of.

  4. No. The only way it illegal is if you create the fake identity to defraud or cheat someone or some company. If you make up an ID for Y/A, it's fine.

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