
Is it legal to do this?

by  |  earlier

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Is it legal to send in magazine subscription cards with someone else's address, and to check the bill me later box?

I want to send my brother a whole bunch of lame magazines as a joke... and I know he would just cancel the subscription... but I don't know if it is legal or not.




  1. sounds like a lame joke , im guessing you are young , maybe you should try to act a little more mature , it will pay off later in life

  2. I'm pretty sure it's illegal, but I don't think it's any major infraction that anyone would care about but your brother.  I think it's only a problem when it's construed as harassment or identity theft, because then someone could have a case against you, but hopefully your brother think it was that.

  3. could be considered mail fraud ???

  4. Whether its legal or not, how would anyone know who sent them in unless YOU told them. I don't think you'll go to jail.

  5. It is very illegal to do this, it is considered mail fraud and that is a federal offense and depending on how many times you did this, I am sure that homeland security has a phrase or charge for doing that, not to mention that you could be s******g with his credit and I know that you would have a hard time laughing out of the same straw that you have to drink your meals from. May be you should just go p**s on his pillow and blame it on the tooth fairy

  6. I've never thought of doing this.  The odds of you getting caught are not slim.  The magazine distributor might keep the card or a copy of the card that you send in and if they could prove it was you by your signature, you would likely have to pay for the magazines.  You might even get a Postal Inspector knocking on your door.  I wouldn't do it, but it was a good idea.

  7. I think, but am not 100% sure, that it could be classified as fruad.  Maybe you could ask around get old magazines or unwanted subscriptions from your friends or stuff his mailbox with shredded paper instead.  Getting subscriptions would be a waste of money, and would be more of a hassle than a joke.  maybe you could go to the store and buy them instead?  that way you can personally pick them out, or get really good ones in forign languages.  send him one every day or something.  At least that's legal.  Still have the money problem tho...

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