
Is it legal to dock pay in this situation in Washington State?

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Two nights ago I came up short $17 and some odd cents on my credit card receipts (I am a cashier at a farmer's market). I ran the numbers twice more and it came up the same. I submitted this to my boss (the farmer) who returned to me today claiming i was actually $25.68 short, and he said that he would be docking my pay. He cited that i did not total the order properly and that I charged the customer for only the last item paid, not on the whole bill, thus coming up short by the difference. I recognize that i may have made a mistake and that he may be right, but is this even legal for him to do that?




  1. Your pay cannot be reduced below minimum wage.  You should discuss this law (Fair Labor Standards Act) with your employer and if necessary, complain to the Labor Board.  

  2. I don't believe that is legal. Find another job.  

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