
Is it legal to go on a cruise with my boyfriend if i'm underage?

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I'm 17 right now and my boyfriend is 19 he'll be 20 by the time we go on the cruise if we go. Will it be legal for me to go with him since I'm not 18 and my parents are fine with it? Let me know!





  1. Depends on what cruise line you're going on. I know with Carnival you have to accompanied by some 25 or older. I called them and asked because my girlfriend and I were planning on going. My girlfriend is 20 and I'm 21, but the reason they're letting me go with her because I'm in the military. She stressed that I have the proper documentation during arrival, becuase they are very strict and won't let you on. The best bet would be to call and ask.

  2. I t hink that your parents should think this over due to the fact that you are still a minor, and he will be 20, come on now parents please use better judgement, that is you daughter your are sending away without you. think about it.

  3. I think it'll be okay because the age difference isn't a lot, and you're only one year from being 18. If you were like 15, then that'd be a problem lol.

    If someone says something like when you board, just say your friends or something.

  4. You MUST be with someone 21 or older and have parental permission when going on a cruise.  If you are with your parents then you don't need parental permission.

    So if you don't have one of your parents going with you, or parental permission and someone who is 21 or older then you won't be allowed on.

  5. Neither of you can go on a cruise unless you go with parents or guardians.

    All of the cruise lines have a  minimum age requirement.  On all cruise lines except Carnival at least one passenger in each cabin MUST be age 21 or older.  On Carnival that requirement is age 25.  In addition, any passengers under age 21 who ARE NOT traveling with their parents MUST have a  parental consent form signed in order to go on a cruise.  Since your boyfriend is not yet 21 he has to wait another year before he can book a cruise.  Even if your boyfriend was 21 you could go with him only if your parents signed a consent form.   The only exception to the age requirement is if you are married as of the day that the cruise departs.  If you are married you have to bring a copy of your marriage certificate.

    The cruise lines do check closely to be sure that their requirement are met. So you can't fudge your age when booking because they will require a positive ID before you board the ship.


  7. Sorry but the answer is no.  Your boyfriend would have to be at least 21 in order to cruise.  The exception is that you are married.

  8. You mignt want to check with the cruise line for the age requirements.  Past cruises that I've been on require a traveler under the age of 21 be with a responsible adult age 25 or older.

  9. I do not believe you are going to find a cruise line that will allow that.  He would have to be at least over 21  and probably over 25. If you do find a line that will allow it, you would need a letter of permission from your parents.

  10. In most cases the answer would be no. If youre not above 21 at least some one off you should be above 25 and youre not. So I would recomened you to bring your parents along, at least one of them.

    Remember to travel alone is a big responsibility and being responsible for a minor is a even bigger. Johan.

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