
Is it legal to have a rear facing carseat for a newborn in a Ford F150 Truck seeing it only hast the one seat?

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I have a Ford F150 Truck and was wondering if it was legal in the sate of michigan to have a newborn car seat in the truck or if i would have to get another car with a back seat.




  1. As far as I know it's legal to have a child in the front seat of a pickup.  What you may want to look into is disabling the passenger side airbag if the truck has one.  Normally that's the main reason the front seat is a problem.  If you have a passenger side airbag and no means to disable it (many cars have a key'd switch on the dash to do so) you can see a certified mechanic to possibly pull the fuse to the passenger-side airbag.  Be advised, however, that if you're going to have other passengers when the child is not with you, they could be at a greater risk of injury.

    If you have any more questions you can always call your local police (non-emergency line) and double check with them about the legality of it.

  2. I don't know if it's legal or not. But, if you have airbags, be sure to turn off the passenger side using the key operated switch under the dash.

  3. Yes..........If the vehicle is a pick up truck without an extended cab or jump seats they can ride in the front.

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