I know someone (Mary) who works for a non-profit organization (a church) who at work, found out that another person would be quitting and therefore they'd need a replacement. She found this out by speaking with the person who is quitting themselves (Susan). Susan told Mary that if she's interested, she should speak with her boss, Josh. 1 week after hearing about this, Mary speaks with Josh who tells her to email him since she's interested. She does so the same day. Josh, the very next day replies:
"I am getting all the info I need to proceed with hiring the position and will know more soon. I am interviewing for the position and would love to meet up if we get a chance. I do have some good ideas about where I want to go with this, but it would be great to talk."
2 days later, before even interviewing Mary, Josh sends her an email saying:
"I want to be up front with you, I have a strong candidate and will likely be extending an offer very soon. However, I would be willing to spend a half hour hearing more about your interest and skills, as long as you understand that I am leaning in this direction."
Mary was never even given a clear picture of the position and the position doesn't appear to be posted. Is this legal in California? Thanks.