
Is it legal to kill trespassers on your property in Indiana ?

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I have muslims in my neighborhood shooting guns at me on my property and I need to know, is it legal to kill trespassers in Indiana




  1. if they enter your house, yes.  if not, it's illegal.  just call the cops.  are you racist?

  2. where do you live?

    in the greenwood area?

    i heard there's allot of rednecks/indians

    in indiana

    what are they shooting at you? bullets? airsoft guns?  

  3. if they're shooting at you it becomes self defense... just don't kill them.  Shoot them in the knee caps, they'll learn their lesson and you won't have to spill any blood.  This country spills enough as it is.

  4. Sadly, there is no agency to whom report the incident.  If you shoot the full force of the police will be applied.  Texas would have a different outcome.  

  5. First, it's never really okay to shoot trespassers on your property just because they are on your property.  Deadly force is reserved for situations where you need to protect your person or others, not your property.

    Second, your situation sounds much different than just property protection.  If you are being shot at, it is probably reasonable to return fire, unless you are starting the incident.  If this is a repeat thing, you should probably contact the police, even if the police are not a lot of help, if you do end up shooting someone, the fact that you reported a problem in the past will help you at trial.  Yes, you will get tried for murder, and you will have to go through the time and expense to prove that you were acting in self-defense.  Therefore, I would not suggest shooting someone unless you are actually in fear of harm.

  6. No.  

  7. You sound like a stupid person. Just being honest. Peace and love!

  8. It is not legal to kill trespassers in this situation.  If you are serious, then you need to call the police.  

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