
Is it legal to leave flyers on cars?

by Guest67194  |  earlier

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Is it legal to leave flyers or business cards on cars in public parking places such as Wal-Mart, etc.??

I live in Texas.





  1. If the shopping center is on private property, meaning that it is owned by individuals or groups, not the government, then they are allowed to restrict the practice of leaving fliers on cars by posting "NO SOLICITING" signs on their property.

    So, even if it's WALMART, if the shopping center or property it's located on is private property, you will need the owner's permission first.

    Otherwise they can charge you with trespassing.

  2. here is link

    has information to help you out

  3. Yes, as long as the store agrees, otherwise you can be arrested for trespassing.  

  4. Listen up! If you are leaving flyers on cars for a company, I notice the people who do this stick it under the wind shield wipers!  Stop right there!!! Suppose someone stuck a flyer under your car's wipers AND BROKE IT! You have the name of the company on the flyer, so you get a hold of them and make them pay for it - right! NOW! YOU are the one sticking flyers under wipers! Some smart guy, perhaps the owner of the car, sees you do this, and in truth HIS wiper is already broken! What's to stop him from contacting the company you are working for, and stick THEM with the bill! Believe me, I have seen this happen!! Oh! by the way, you can't blame Wal-Mart or places like that for any damage done to your car. They have notices all over the place, telling you they are NOT responsible for any damages done while parked on their Lot!

  5. Hmmm... I've always thought about this.  What if one of the persons in the parking lot who receives a flyer decides to give you a call and *****... saying that you damaged the vehicle by placing the flyer on the car.  Then you could face a lawsuit and have to hire a lawyer yourself.  It's a very crazy scenario, but this would be the only thing I can think of.  

    I guess Ruth and I are the only ones with some common sense and education.  I have to remind myself that we are answering questions for kids.

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