
Is it legal to only drive a small Airplane on highways and streets?

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If I put all the safety equipment of a car " brake lights, turn signals and so on, then disable the ability to take off, can I drive the plane as a car on highways and streets?




  1. Here are a couple sites that deal with the concept of a 'flying' car.

    excerpt from the wiki article:

    "When Ford approached the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) about regulatory issues, the critical problem was that the (then) known forms of air traffic control were inadequate for the volume of traffic Ford proposed. At the time, air traffic control consisted of flight numbers, altitudes and headings written on little slips of paper and placed in a case. Quite possibly computerized traffic control, or some form of directional allocation by altitude could resolve the problems. Other problems would also need to be resolved in some ways, however, including intoxicated drivers or motorists that drive without a license. Furthermore, there would be serious concerns among the public in built up urban areas, that malfunctioning or incorrectly operated flying cars could crash into houses, shopping districts or pedestrian areas, severely damaging buildings and/or killing civilians. Such vehicles could also be used as weapons."

    However, I would check with the Federal Aviation Administration before coming to any conclusions on current regulations.

  2. Yeah... I'd bet you all I have DOT wouldn't let you.

    But why would you want to anyway? Just fly the plane.  

  3. yes it is since of the safety of those who around the plane itself since others could get hurt somehow.

  4. No.

    It would need bumpers - front and rear.

    It would need to get a license plate - and I don't think they will give you a plate with that propeller spinning - what if you hit a pedestrian?? Ehhh...

    Everything needs to be DOT certified - with lighting and the vehicle would be over width - over 8 ft on side streets and 8 1/2 on main roads.

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