
Is it legal to own an exotic animal in new york?

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i live in surburban new york...not near any farms or anything...but ive always wanted an exotic animal! of course i definately could not have a tiger in my house but what about a little monkey or fallabella pony? (they are tiny.)

Do NY laws allow this/? Of course the pet will be taken care of...I have 3 dogs and have had many guinea pigs and fish in the past.

I'm just curious. A family a few towns down used to have a monkey..but my mom said they probably had it illegally...we would always see it outside on its porch when we would drive by




  1. Define EXOTIC.

    Do you mean endangered?


    From a tropical area?

    Or Is this just a word that You " Americans "  and other westerners use to refer to something FOREIGN and from the tropics?

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