
Is it legal to own cuttlefish in the U.S.A? And if so, where can somebody buy them?

by Guest10868  |  earlier

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I know they only have a life expectancy of a year or two, but they look so cute and awesome.

Thanks for all your help.




  1. oh dude did u see that nova last night about the cuttlefish masters of disguise? thats been on my mind! i think it would be illegal, and they wouldnt survive because they naturally need to blend in, and they're very picky about the salt water they're in. plus itd be impossible to buy one unless its cooked... you're best chance if you're certified for scuba diving (which i am) would be to try and capture one, yet thats most likely illegal, i suggest just watch them in their natural environment, theyd be very unhappy in captivity, no matter how big of a tank you have. hope this helps

  2. You would probably have better luck at a live fish market, particularly an Asian market than a pet store, seeing how a lot of Asian countries eat cuttlefish (Yay Japan). But as everyone has said, it is hard to keep them alive so it would probably be difficult to keep them alive for sale as food also. Best of luck.  

  3. What you should do is go to your local pet fish store, not petsmart or any chain store but a locally owned specialty fish store and ask them the same question, they might be able to get one for you!

  4. try a octopus instead,similar in requirements,but easier to get.who knows?it may do well in your setup.feed it hermit crabs.or fiddler crabs.plenty of hiding places,a cover with no or very small openings,maybe even a mesh screen,good luck.tiny ones go for 50 bucks thereabout.

  5. it's unlikely you'll ever find these for sale into the pet trade. i've only ever seen them in one or two public aquariums, and it is in those public aquariums that they have those short life expectancy. in smaller private aquariums that life expectancy will be even shorter. you would need at least a 100 gallon marine tank for cuttlefish, they can't just be popped into any old tank. unless you're exceptionally experienced in keeping marine, have a bottomless wallet, and maybe work in marine biology, leave the cuttlefish in the sea.

    on reading around the internet, if you were in Europe you'd have more luck, apparently there are no native cuttlefish in the US suitable and therefore there are only imports which will only live a few weeks, definitely not worth it.

  6. If you are looking for a live one, Idon't know but dead ones you can find at Chinese fish markets

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