
Is it legal to park opposite a bus shelter on a busy road?

by  |  earlier

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The buses run in both directions every 10 minutes and it is a neighbour who has parked a van there directly outside my home, just need to know if there is anything can be done?




  1. as long as they are clean off the road it should be ok, but i could be wrong about that, i dont know what the laws are where you live. get hold of the highway dept., they should know, or the police in your area.

  2. My partner got fined for parking at a bus stop, so I would say the answer is yes

  3. If they're not actually on the bus stop and there are no other restrictions, they can still be "done" for obstructing the highway. That will depend on the opinion of the police officer viewing the situation - usually that will be if the vehicle's causing disruption to the traffic flow.

  4. unless there are parking restrictions or a bus stop on the place & side they're parking on, then probably not

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