
Is it legal to pull out of a driveway and onto the road in front of a bus in order to make a right turn?

by  |  earlier

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i.e. if a bus is stationary on the road, stuck in traffic, can one pull out of the driveway horizontal to it and move out in front?




  1. uuhh, why not?

  2. Legal, perhaps.....Foolish , probably. The bus is bigger than you and blocks your view of impatient motorists nipping past it.

  3. I suppose

  4. No it is not illegal to do this..............

  5. if it is a school bus and they do not have their flashing lights on , they are to be treated as any other vehicle on the road. if the lights are on do not pull out.

  6. NO law against that but reversing onto a main road might be.

  7. yeah if u are a blone bird !!!!!, ouch .

  8. Sure, why not?  As long as the lights aren't flashing.  But if it's stuck in traffic, how are you going to get out of the driveway?

  9. Is this UK?

    If so, traffic on the major road always has priority. If, by moving out in that way, you caused the bus to change speed and/or direction, you would be in the wrong.

    I realise that, in this case, the bus is stationary. But if it's a traffic jam, presumably he's waiting for the opportunity to move again and if you just barge in his way, he's got grounds to get grumpy.

    Best thing is to wait patiently until someone kindly decides to let you out. I admit, however, that can be a long wait!

  10. i dont think so bt u should ask ur councilor

  11. Why in heaven's name are you asking this here?  Call your local DOT, Department of Safety, or state police and get an answer you can rely on.

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