
Is it legal to put business cards on cars?

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How can I find out if it is legal to put business cards on cars in my area? What about cars on the street, in apartment building parking lots, strip mall parking lots, government parking lots such as the library, etc?




  1. Not sure where to "find out" w/o googling it, but wanted to share a story I recently heard about this sort of thing...

    I was sssO mad that there was a flier on my car(s) in my apt complex, I asked a buddy if I could do anything about it. He said, "I heard that a lawyer sued the business for advertising on his car and won".

    I would imagine it would be okay if the flier (or card) was not visible by a passer-bye.

  2. Just telling the facts, not being a witch. I was witness in a courthouse debate last year when a woman was charged with loitering and vandalism after placing her business cards on cars in parking lots at stores and a hotel. I saw firsthand how annoyed people can get when someone is brasin enough to just walk up and touch thier vehicle and place their personal belongings on someone's 'private property-thier vehicle'. Many people would not use a service or business that is tactless enough to grab someone's doorhandle, windshield wiper, ect and put things in them to make money for themselves. if stores or apartment managers find your trash lying on thier lots, after people toss them off thier cars in disgust, you get the littering bill. What if someone sees you, someone that isn't so nice and understanding? *alot of people are like that-watch the news* What if you set off an alarm? In front of people even? What if someone thought you were trying to break thier wiper or break into thier vehicle? Sounds extreme, but people these days are looking for reasons to sue or start a physical fight. i know that if you get caught touching government vehicles without a darn good excuse, you can get a nice fine, and they can take you in for questioning of "radical activity" sounds like loads of fun. How about just taking the safe route and putting up an ad? Even in the paper, bulletins, or telephone poles.

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