
Is it legal to put different mufflers on a motorcycle?

by  |  earlier

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the bike is a 1978 gs550, going to have honda shadow mufflers on it, can it pass inspection?(safety,certification, dont know what you call it in the u.s.)




  1. ask motorcycle tech if they will fit your bike and pass insp.

  2. It might be depends on if it passes sound restriction where I'm from they're cutting down on bikes with loud mufflers so honestly I don't know it depends where you are basicly and everywhere can be different... Hope I've Helped

  3. in the U.S. any motorcycle made before 1980 is exempt from the new federal EPA regulations.

    as far as I've heard they haven't started enforcing the regulations on the millions of newer bikes anywhere except California, & even there its only done when the title & paper work is transfered after a sale.

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