
Is it legal to rase a baby monkey as a pet?

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Is it legal to rase a baby monkey as a pet?




  1. you probably have to get a permit

  2. It's legal if you have a permit, but it's horribly inhumane.

  3. You have to check your areas laws

    Heres a website with some info

  4. It depends on the species of monkey and your location.

    Some states require permits for some species while outlawing others all together, in other states all kinds of non-human primates are illegal and yet other states have no restrictions, but local government does.

    So you'll have to look up the legislation in your state, county, township AND city or call city hall or the court house.

    Why the h**l would you want to?

    A baby primate, torn away from his/her mother without half a chance of being somewhat raised and socialized? Traumatized???

    They don't turn out to be really good pets a lot of times and end up being destructive and dangerous. Besides that, did you know that there are certain diseases transmitted to humans by monkeys?

    Macaques for instance transmit a deadly strain of Herpes, Herpes B.

    Just get a cat.

  5. it HAS to be if you cant even spell RAISE correctly.

    truth be told, half the people that have a monkey for a pet cant even take care of it correctly

  6. No it isnt legal,

    Any attempt to keep wild animals as pets can result in the Rspca taking you to court for exploiting the rights of Animals.

    its not worth it. not to mention being incredibly cruel to the animal.

    use your common sence!

  7. Not unless you work for a zoo and raise wild animals on a basis.

  8. i think you have to have a permit to have one

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