
Is it legal to record (tape record) ones own phone calls (outgoing).?

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Do I have to notify the person I am calling that I am recording the phone call?




  1. LAW STATES: YOU MUST INFORM ALL PARTYS WHOM ARE BEING RECORDED BY ANY DEVICE FOR ANY REASON: unless you are of the law nature doing law investigations..or the goverment..but yo can actually be prosicuted for secretly recording a conversation,,steve

  2. You have to advise the party to whom you are speaking that the call is being recorded.

  3. yes. it is legal to record your telephone calls.

    No, you do not HAVE to tell the other party.

    The law says that at least ONE party needs to know the call is being recorded (YOU KNOW) this is to prevent a third party from recording without at least one party in the conversation does not know.

    Will the recording stand up in court? yes!

    Can you play the recording for a third party? no, the FCC's Communications Act of 1934 prohibits third party access to these types of communications.

    How do I know this? I record harassing calls from a lender and I forward these tapes to the state attny general and they tell me to keep sending them.

  4. yes you should tell other party the conversation is being recorded by you.

  5. When a company records phone calls they tell you this in advance that the call is being recorded.So I assume that for privacy reasons you would need to do the same thing.Otherwise you could be accused of breaching the other person's privacy.

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