
Is it legal to refuse tap water to a paying customer?

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I have frequented a local pizza place for around 3 years now (while at college). I usually go with a friend and we split a pizza and each get tap water. Today, a rather rude woman was behind the counter and she said that due to cost cutting, the restaurant will no longer provide tap water, you have to buy bottled water instead, even though the beverage dispenser is behind the counter and you can clearly see the water tab. Must a restaurant provide tap water for free, or is it merely good business?




  1. providing water in a none chain restaurant is just good business

    in chain restaurants they provide a paper cup (counted) so you get charged ,

    if you chose to continue going there, COMPLAIN, talk to manager, LOUD. you will get water in the future possibly a free meal.

  2. YES it IS LEGAL to refuse tap water to a paying customer.  Tap water is not free to them, why should it be free to customers?  Most places do provide if for free, but it's not because it's illegal to not provide it.

    Water is a necessary for survival. I agree.  But if this is true and restaurants HAVE to provide if for free, why do I have a water bill each month?  Besides, going to a pizza place is NOT necessary for survival.  Eating is, but you aren't forced to go to a pizza place to eat.

  3. Legally they can't do that. Water is a necessary for survival. They can however charge for tap water but they can't deny you it.

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