
Is it legal to remove my cars passenger seat?

by Guest60910  |  earlier

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I have a classic mini. In a week or so I'm doing a craft fair and need to get rather a lot of stuff in said mini.

Is it legal for me to remove my passenger seat so that I can fit a pasting table in? Am I allowed to drive around without a passenger seat? I seem to think I can but before I do and the police pull me over and give me a stern lecture i though I had better find out for sure.





  1. Nope! Its not illegal. Just be safe with your items inside the car and be sure you are safe also. Safety first!

  2. yes providing you also remove the seat...

  3. Take my mother in law at the same time she's a bad passenger.

  4. no itz not just have no one in tha passanger seat!!!

  5. It is not illegal to do this just make sure that no one else is caught in the car with you..

  6. not at all, till you have a passenger and no seat.    ")

  7. I can't see why it wouldn't be a problem. As long as your not planning on taking passengers!

  8. It's okay to remove passenger seat. Just remove passenger at same time.

  9. Not illegal if noone else is in the car.

  10. Technically it is illegal, but not for the obvious reasons!

    Providing there is no one in the car with you with out a seat belt, its not illegal - However! : The V5 document clearly states the your car has 3 doors and 4 seats, this maty cause a problem.

    Not becasuse of saftey, but because you have altered the vehicle without notifing the DVLA.

    OK, heres how its is....

    You can do it but dont tell anyone, and!....put it straight back afterwards.

    If you are asked or questioned about it, be honest and say its temporary. If the Policeman asks you if you relised it was illegal to alter the car temporaily, say no! and tell him you will restore the car at your earliest convienece.

    Dont push your look though, you can't go on like that for any length of time, and i do hope you dont bump into a bad tempered bobby!

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