
Is it legal to stop cars for motorcycles?

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I saw 100 motorcycles on the road and one of them go out at an intersection and stopped the traffic for them to go bye. Is that legal?




  1. it should be!

  2. Bald is beautiful is right.

    It is not legal, but if you want to make a fuss about it. By all means tell.

    Justice is right.

    Unless your 6ft below.

  3. Maybe it was a charity event. We have a couple of them a year here and I have seen up to a 500 motorcycles and the way is opened and side streets and roads blocked for a short time.

  4. If it was a charity ride, and with that many bikes I'm sure it was, that is common. Often times the police will do the blocking for the ride but if they cannot one of the riders will do it. The police are aware of the ride and will not ticket these guys for blocking or the others for running a red light.

  5. well ive done that a couple

    of times and we do it

    so we wont split up

    and end up speeding to catch

    up to the others might cause an accident =]

    sometimes the cops even help us stop traffic

  6. Road Guards.

    Every military formation uses them because they make sense.

    Legal? Hmmm. Guess that depends on who you ask.

    For a large permitted event? You bet. For a smaller (yet large) private group? Probably not, but you can't tell the difference.

    Stopping traffic makes sense in many ways. If the group gets broken up, they will try to reform. That means a lot of maneuvering in traffic. Can you see 20 or more trying to get back together again? It aint pretty. And it can get downright dangerous at times.

    As far as headlights on (mentioned above), that's the way they make motorcycles due to Federal law. Stupid law. Here's one why: Funeral processions require headlights ON. Nobody remembers anymore. So now they require 4 way flashers, which a lot of motorcycles did not come with. Brilliant! (gets off soapbox)

  7. Legal? Maybe, legal for SOMEONE to stop traffic, but not necessarily THEM.

    Trying to keep the group together, in traffic, is a tough job.

    May be it was a biker funeral? And of course you have to turn your lights off if you are on a motorcycle, going to a funeral, right?

    I went through some tunnels back in Yankee land while I was in the Navy, and of course, my lights were AWAYS on. So I could not turn the lights off. You'd be amazed at the stupidity of the average driver.  So, I honked right back at them.  My horn was louder...

  8. Its not legal in my state, but its done.  I believe its the safest way to move a large group through  an intersection or turn.

  9. Doesn't sound legal to me; however, if 100 motorcyclists want to cut in front of me, I'm not one to argue ...

  10. Technically, it's not "legal," although I'm not aware of a specific law against it.  I know the cops do it for charity runs.  Also, it's bad etiquette to get in between bikers travelling together; bear in mind that usually the road captain knows how to get to the destintion, but everyone else does not.  Cagers cause not only a safety hazard if they split a group up, but could potentially get other riders lost if they are split up from the rest of the group.  Tailgunners wouldn't have to stop traffic if cagers were more considerate.

  11. Belive it or not it is (by permit) when we do a toy run we are in charge of our own traffic control usualy its a couple of prospects job ,Are you sure a cop wasnt in front or rear they are not always but most times they are

    But just a pack  No its not  But its prob safer just to let them go( I dont mean like getting your Bu*t kicked  but they will start cutting cars off to get in formation that kind of thing

  12. Its not completely illegal, as long as local law enforcment are aware of the situation.  Most of the time they will ok it.  We have several rides here that all traffic is stopped for(with the help of the police).

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