
Is it legal to take in to mexico tylenol?

by  |  earlier

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ill be traveling to mexico by car tomorrow and i get severe migranes and tylenol is the only thing that helps me is it ok if i take it into mexico with me? and on the way back when crossing into california if they were to check my car for some reason would i get in trouble for carrying tylenol??




  1. yes you can have and use tylenol... i live in mexico and it is allowed...

  2. Bring only what you think you will need and bring it your prescription bottle with your name on it.  By land carry it in your pocket.  If you fly put in in your stowed luggage and you are permitted to bring your medication with you.

    You can "Cosulta Medica" for two dollars in many places in Mexico(Acapulco) has numerous.

    Aside from these

    tips you must have the prescription bottle with the information from your pharmacy.


  3. being that tylenol is not a controlled substance in either country i think youre fine

  4. You can get tylenol in Mexico. Why you need to take it from here?

  5. YEESS

  6. It's pefectly legal, but you don't need to bring a lot cause you can find it in every pharmacy in mexico

  7. Yes, as long as it is a reasonable amount for personal use.

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