
Is it legal to work at 13 and if so what kind of jobs can you do?

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I have a cousin thats turning 13 in a month and a half and she wants to start working asap its all she can talk about and i want to help her understand more plez help




  1. other than things like yard work and babysitting, your cousin is pretty much out of luck.  I don't think you can even work part-time until you're like 15 (at least here in California).

    Tell your cousin not to be in such a hurry!  What about SCHOOL?  That's his/her "job"!

  2. She cannot get a real "job", but for money she can do babysitting, a paper route, mow lawns, or do yard work around the community. She could help some elderly people clean our their attics/garages or arrange things in their houses or whatever else they need help with.

    Why does she want to work? She'll be working for the rest of her life, she should enjoy not having a job.

  3. No it is not.  You can get working papers at 14 but no one will hire you.

  4. You can do alot of things at age 13.

    1) Go and do babysitting or pet sitting. Ask your parents or anyone you know who need someone to babysit or petsit for their loved ones.

    2) Car wash.

    3) Go and talk to your teacher or principal. They can help you to get a job as a tutor for kids who are age 5-13 at your school. But ask your parents first.

    4) Bake cookies and sell them. Every kids at your age love sweet. You can sell already made cookies or candies to your friends, silbings, or anyone.

    5) Make handmade jewerly and sell them to your friends, family and etc. Everyone love a handmade jewerly.

    6) Charge people by doing their homework. (lol, it might works)

  5. It depends on where you live. I live in BC and when I was 13 I was working at Wendy's but for places like Tim Horton's you have to be 14 and for the library or grocery stores you have to be 15, so it really depends on your location I guess.

  6. most businesses will not hire 13 year olds, unless you're kind of under the table... but you can mow lawns or babysit or you might be able to talk some small business owner into hiring you part time under the table and just make sure that you show up on time and do what your supposed to do, also conttruction crews will often pay you a little money and teach you what there trade is.  It's hard work, and lots to learn, but once you learn it, it's pretty good money.  Also, there's always the good old lemonade stand.  Good Luck1

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