
Is it legal tomake a server/waitress?

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pay when a table walks out on their tab in a restaurant? ive heard yes and i heard no. can anyone let me know?




  1. Well, I worked in Toxic h**l before and they make you pay %50 of the meal's cost, not including tax, which is better but still bombastic. These organizations should give you 100% AND un-taxed meals... greedy stockholders!

  2. i see no way the server would have any obligation to payu the bill from a legal point of view.

  3. No, that is not legal. It's also illegal for someone to leave without paying. So when you call the police about the customer, report your employer too.

  4. I wouldn't think so..but I have no legal basis for my opinion. The owner of the restaurant should be able to realize that it does happen and unless the people who walked out are personal friends of the server/waitress then I wouldn't think he would insist on the server paying for the jerks' meal. And like the guy before is illegal for them to leave without paying, too, so call the cops.

  5. You didnt order the food, why should you pay for it?  I think its the restaurants responsibility.  A professional restaurant wouldnt make you pay for it.

  6. I've worked at restaurants that did this, so I'm gonna say yeah.  Normally they let you know that when they hire you though.

    I used to waitress at a topless bar (a million years ago) and we had to pay for drinks that those pr*cks walked..

  7. it all depends on the circumstances, but some corporate restaurants take the stance that it is the server's responsibility to pay attention to each table, check credit card ids to ensure that no fraud is conducted, and cash out the full amount at the end of the night

    as a server, i think it isn't possible for the server to control the actions of the customers.

  8. I had to pay for a walk-out once. The managers blamed me, saying that I should have kept a better eye on the table.

  9. It depends on your state laws.

  10. i've never heard that..

    but i'd quit for sure if they made me do it.

  11. If the server is responsible for taking care of the payment at the table then yes, if the restaurant has a cashier then no. This is do to who is suppose to make sure the guest is paying. Is it a good way to run a business no but it is a good way to make sure servers aren't just saying the table walked out and pocketing the money.

  12. h**l to the no!

  13. I don't think so. They may take it out of your tips though.

  14. I've contacted the board of labor about this in the past, they informed me that legally a restaurant can not make a server pay for a walk-out.

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