
Is it libel to communicate negative, and inaccurate written info to others about an individual....?

by  |  earlier

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...that has a negative and sometime devestating impact on his character, and reputation, if it is done by the non clergy congregation leaders(except when they claim clergy privilege) by the watchtower.????

And is that why watchtower elders appear to not admit guilt, or apologize when they have "made errors" so as to avoid libel, thus causing insult to injury.?????




  1. If it damaged your reputation than YES. It does not matter who did it. if it is verbal, it's called slander. if it is written it's called libel.

    Sounds like you need to find a more honest church. honestly, that's one reason i left Christianity more than 8 years ago. organized religion is rarely ever good.

    take action against these people. Call up some lawyers in your phone book and ask them if your case has merit.  

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