
Is it like STUPID of me to open thoses pic some people put up?

by  |  earlier

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the ones that say which hair looks better? new to the computer




  1. If your talking about like an add on the internet page, then yes it is bad. If you say that you comply with that than they can get into your computer, I'm not saying that that is whats going to happen. but it has been know to happen, and if you get a bad virus it could cos you your computer.

  2. It could be hazardous if someone with malicious intent posts a link that will cause your computer to get a virus.

  3. I always like feel like stupid but like i like do it anyways.

  4. curiosity..............killed the cat

  5. no lol. i do it

  6. I always look but don't usually answer lol. Just curious I guess plus as a guy I can't pass up the chance to check out a possibly hott lady lol .If you mean is it harmful to your computer? It possibly could be, if the link has malware (malicious software). But your ok on here I think, everybody does it. Just look at the link before you click if it goes to "tinypic" or "photobucket" or "flikr" or anyother photo uploading site then its cool. If it goes to a place you never heard of be wary of it.

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