
Is it likely that I'm pregnant or no? ?

by  |  earlier

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My last period started July 25th, & lasted about 4-5 days.. According to "fertility friend online" I was supposed 2 be due for another period on the 22nd of Aug. I took a preg. test on 17th & the 20th & both were negative, today is the 24th and still no period, should I test again or is it likely that I'm just not pregnant? -Thanks 4 the answers!




  1. Have you tried a First Response pregnancy test? I recommend trying those b/c they are supposed to be the most sensitive...

    I used it w/ my third pregnancy after using the dollar tree brand and getting a positive result (that I almost didn't even see & was unsure of). I would try taking one of those to be sure b/c they detect 12.5mIU of hCG and most of the others begin to detect at 25mIU. Good luck!!!

  2. i think that you should wait a bit i found out on 8/2 and the first day of my last period was 6/25. and still at that i was only about 3 weeks prego. my cycle was off and i ovulated about a week later than i was suppose to. by 8/2 i should have been like 5 weeks or something idk it was confusing. but back to the point maybe you should also wait till the 2nd of September to be safe. and use first response.  

  3. If I were you, I'd def. go and test again!! You should get a BFP by now if you are pregnant!! Take a first response or clearblue easy (digital).. Remember, even if it has the faintest positive line, it is still a positive!! Good luck  

  4. Really sounds like it, especially after you added the details about the pink spotting.  What kind of test are you testing with?  This website shows the tests that are the most sensitive.  Try the dollar tree tests if you haven't...they are very sensitive.  Some of the "early" pregnancy tests are the least sensitive out there!  I was using EPT to test with my first pregnancy and got 4 negatives before finally getting a blood test to confirm I was pg.

  5. i think you should wait till next week to do the hpt.... i dont want to sound rude, but 2 days its not really beeing late.... and it would have been very early for those other 2 tests to be accurate... if you cant wait for another week, go and take the blood test!!!

    good luck

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