
Is it likely that colleges will take you if the sports that you've taken are either badminton or cross country

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Is it likely that colleges will take you if the sports that you've taken are either badminton or cross country




  1. Well extra curricular activities are always a plus especially if they where both on organized teams or clubs. Cross Country is a NCAA Sport with a good number of D-1 , D-II and D-III colleges having a team.  NAIA Colleges also have Cross Country teams.

    If your asking about athletic  scholarship not badminton as only a few colleges have a club and a little for cross country if your good enough. Of course D-III is you just play your sport as they never offer sports scholarships.

    List of all D-1 colleges and lower that have teams in cross country not all do , but it's good amount. In the Source Box

    Read the link on College Cross Country

    What did I find out about college badminton well it's part of the INTERCOLLEGIATE Badminton Association more colleges have teams then I was aware of. Good to see as we are not talking about picnic game that comes to mind for the uninformed.

    Well remember it is always a plus to stay involved in sports your sports are every bit as legitimate as so called meat and potatoes sports. After all some colleges have added bowling teams.

    I my self played an unconventional sport Rugby as well as getting involved in Intramural sports they like to see your well balanced and involved.

  2. I know of someone that got a scholarship for cross country, but never badminton.

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