
Is it littering if you throw an orange peel out the window of your car?

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What about a banana peel? peanut shells? Dirt?




  1. There are a multitude of definitions for the word litter and even more interpretations of those definitions.  In a nut shell (which is can be considered litter) If something is discarded in a manner that causes it to make an area look trashy or littered, then it is considered litter-- foodstuffs and vegetable waste included.  

    Litter is trash, wastepaper, or garbage lying scattered about; an untidy accumulation of objects. In real world terms, litter is the cigarette butts, soda cans, coffee cups, beer bottles, plastic bags, gum wrappers and various other items you may see along side a road.

       The Environmental Protection Act 1990 (s.87) states that litter is ‘anything that is dropped, thrown, left or deposited that causes defacement, in a public place’. Litter: Includes any garbage, waste, peeling of vegetables or fruits, rubbish, ashes, cans, bottles, wire, paper, cartons, boxes, parts of automobiles, wagons, furniture, glass, oil or anything else which would present a danger to the public health, safety or welfare where located.

  2. Well the cops would say it is!! They'll say anything just to fine you and cash the money for their fat *** christmas parties!!!

    But i guess yeah it is, anything that goes out the window is,

    if it was really meant to go in a bin or compost heap but instead it went out the car window so yeah it is! :)

    Why do you ask??

  3. Yup cuz ur chucking c**p out ur window onto the ground and btw, littering is wrong, so if u do any of that, please dont because that is one more factor in the destruction of our planet.

  4. If it is a waste, and you are disposing of it in a place not designated for the reception of waste, that is littering.

    I don't consider the random disposal of vegetable (non-animal organic) remains in small quantities as real littering, but technically it is.

  5. No its biodigradable

  6. Throwing anything out the window of your car is considered littering, biodegradable or not.  A cigarette could be considered biodegradable, but very unwise to throw out.  There cannot be exceptions in the law; it has to include everything.

  7. definition of littering:

    Scattered debris, rubbish, or human f***s that are sign of human presence.

    So yes all of the things you mentioned are signs of human presence.

    So yes it is considered littering.

  8. Technically, no, since orange peels can decompose, but the decompostition can take a while. The full decomposition of an orange peels can take 6 months.

  9. Not where I live it's not. As long as whatever you're throwing out is biodegradable you won't get fined,

  10. duh , YES

  11. Yes, and that usually gets an elevated fine because it could cause a road accident.

  12. Yes to all.  In the UK people have been fined for littering when feeding birds - even though the birds dispose of all the crumbs in seconds.

  13. No, because all the items aformentioned are biodegradeable, so unlike styrofoam, which takes 1000+ years to decompose, the items will decompose.

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