
Is it logical that Allah the most merciful will punish a man (created by himself) by h**l fire eternally

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if any one doesn't believe in islam, is it his fault? should he be punished for that?




  1. Is it logical that Allah most fair will put a person in heaven eternally?

    What might seem outwardly unfair has a hidden wisdom behind it and all you need to know is that God is really the Most Merciful and just. It'll sort itself out in the end. I remember being taught that when a person is given sent to h**l after being judged they won't argue because they know they deserve it. Think about it this way - if God had given certain people eternal life they would have never submitted to Him ever and that is why they stay in h**l. Staying in h**l means being shunned from the mercy of God and the bad deeds that you did are repayed in the punishments we get in h**l. When these are repayed the ultimate punishments stops and you get the regular lack of mercy from Allah.

  2. Doesn't sound very merciful to me.

    And plenty of people go through life without hearing about the Islamic religion so how are they supposed to convert?

    It doesn't make much sense. There are many illogicalities in religion especially Islam.

  3. yes. actually its very logical.

    is it logical that whoever does good and whoever does evil would get treated the same?

    When your mother bore you, did she place the feeling of attachment?  Allah said it is haram to cut off relation with your mother.  Allah gave responsibility to the mother to take care of her children with mercy.  Allah also said to love your mother, yet He gave the instinct in the nafs to naturally do so between both mother and child.  

    Allah gave the proofs to differenciate a right from wrong.  He gave the nafs the instinct to turn to Allah.  And if one still denies, is he same as the one who accepts the truth?

    Edit: hmm... when a person gets the message of Islaam and deliberately denies it, yes they won't be forgiven for that, because they have committed the greatest sin, to worship other than The One True God.  

    Some of the ppl you mentioned did get the message, yet they denied it.

    In general we as people do not know specifically who will go to hellfire, and who will go to heaven.  But we have a guidline.  

    And yes some, very few people of the book WILL go to heaven, because the message of Islaam did not reach them, and they truely worshipped only One God, and did not associate partners in worship.  And Allah said, we don't know about it, and only Allah has this knowledge.


    Allah created the jinns and the human to worship Him alone.  And this is why it is obligatory. and this is why it is a grave sin to associate partners in worship.

  4. For a Muslim, following Islam is a requirement. And someone else for instance, who does NOT know Islam or it's greatness, but does good works anyway will also find Allah merciful. Remember, he has created all of us, not just Muslims.

    I hear Muslims say that simply calling yourself a Muslim doesn't automatically guarantee you paradise. And that your heart must also be in a good state in order to enjoy all the blessings of Allah. That's why, common sense tells us that just because someone doesn't call themself Muslim isn't doomed to h**l either. Some non-Muslims have very good hearts, they take care of other people the way Allah has ordered mankind to do so, so maybe Allah sees them according to what they know and believe.

    At the same time, some of the people you mentioned were well educated, influential and open minded. So there is a high possiblity that they may have known A LITTLE about Islam, yet chose to reject it. However, they didn't reject God. They just had a different approach, and I think only Allah knows for sure where such persons belong. We can't claim something and say that's what Allah will do. We are only human beings, our job is to try the best we can. We can't however decide who goes to paradise or h**l. Only Allah has the wisdom, mercy and knowledge to decide that.

  5. you have been given clear guidelines, clear instructions and choice but even then if you choose to ignore them then definitely you will get into trouble.

    It's amazing that people dont have any problem following man made rules and guideline but they will question Allah's word.

    Allah will punish people but they would earn it theirselves.

    Any one who believes in ALLAH will go to heaven.

  6. The bottom line is that all these Kuffaar who you say have done "good in this world" have transgressed against their Creator far worse than the good they've done. Have they not been allowed to see and breathe and enjoyed the blessings in this world? Yet they still turned away from their Creator and worshiped other than Him?  

  7. If a parent tells his/her child not to dress skimpy outside because some maniac might rape her and she doesn't believe them, is it her fault if she ended up getting raped? Is it her fault that it didn't make sense to her that wearing shorts and having her cleavage burst out of her shirt meant that she was more vulnerable to men? Is it her fault that she was forced into having s*x and ended up pregnant? Now, should she have been punished for that? Go through all that pain and humiliation?

    Whether a person knows what is good for them or not, God sets the rules because He knows what we don't. A child doesn't always listen to his/her parents even though they are told that their parents know what's better for him/her. Islam is something that should be studied thoroughly with a completely open mind and heart. It is impossible that if a person knows the true Islam, would direct themselves in other ways. I've known atheists who have accepted Islam because it is not only logical but it sets laws that balance everything in one's life and surroundings.

    If a professor asked you to do a research paper on skin cancer and you didn't do it well enough, is it your fault that you ended up getting a D? Not getting accepted to Harvard because of your low GPA? God knows one's intentions in everything, if he/she truly searches for the truth and asks for guidance, it will come to them.

    Sorry for the lame examples, it's all I could think of now. Hope this answered your question =]

    To Asker:

    Ghandi, Mother Teresa, all the good non-Muslims will be judged by Allah. No one can say they are going to h**l or heaven. If someone has never come into contact with Islam or learned anything about it, God will look at them for their deeds and their intentions. The only one who can answer this question is Allah. Because only he knows who is going where. What I answered is only based on the people who have studied Islam and chose to avoid it all in all, with an open mind and heart.

    To Asker:

    I know what you mean. I have a friend who is an agnostic, from Japan. She looks up to mother Teresa more than anyone else, and she is constantly asking me why a person has to be a Muslim to enter paradise. What about all the people who are good and done good to humanity but weren't Muslims? I don't think anyone can give a straight answer to this. But the closest I came to satisfying her was telling her that we cannot guess who goes to heaven and who doesn't. That only Allah knows the true intentions of these people. Just because they don't believe in Islam, doesn't make them a bad person. But Allah guides whom He wills. I truly believe that if a person is looking and searching for the right path, they will try very hard to find it. They will put all their efforts into studying other faiths and they take it more seriously than anyone else. Mahatma Ghandi was a great man, Mother Teresa was a great woman. There are many people who weren't Muslim that have done so much more for humanity than most Muslims. When people do good in this life but are not Muslim, Allah rewards them in this life. If they are not rewarded in this life, they are in the hereafter. A person who accepts one God (La ilaha illa Allah) is one step closer to being a "full" Muslim. Any Christian who follows the original texts of the Torah and the Bible recognize the oneness of God. That on it's own is the step towards the right path. We do not know what Allah has in store for the good non-Muslims, and we cannot guess either. What we know is that Allah is fair, and merciful. He will decide everyone's fate. There will be many Muslims who will not enter paradise because of their deeds. A person who has more good deeds deserves a reward that the person who has more bad deeds doesn't. Allah knows best.

    To Harriet:

    Those people, who do not hear about Islam or have not learned of the religion aren't just thrown into h**l. Allah (God) judges them on their deeds according to how good they are and what their intentions are. He doesn't throw people into h**l because they didn't hear about Islam. God is Just.

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