
Is it logical to believe humans evolve from monkeys?

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Is it logical to believe humans evolve from monkeys?




  1. Look at Bush...Any questions?

  2. it could be but it would be more logical to think that humans evolved from the same place monkeys evolved from, rather than from monkeys themselves, because there are still monkeys now.

  3. Humans didn't evolve from monkeys.  Monkeys & humans have common ancestors.

  4. It is illogical to believe humans did not evolve from lower order primates.  The self imposed ignorance of creationists flies in the face of all scientific evidence. To "NOT" accept evolution places one very low on the evolutionary totem pole. To ignore biological science & believe something without supporting evidence just doesn't make sense.

    Science does not "believe" as those accepting fundamentalist doctrine do.  Science knows or suspects based on evidence.  Those that "believe" someone is quilty of a crime can convict with no evidence, but the logical human requires over whelming evidence. That evidence exists for the evolution of the hominid (in truth a bipedal ape.)

  5. Humans and apes share the same ancestors. Yes, it's logical. All the evidence points to that fact. In fact, no evidence points anywhere else.

  6. Well, I don't believe so. I believe in the bible and the bible says that God created us. So if HE created us, then how can we possibly evolve from monkeys. That's just how I see it. :)

  7. No,because humans did not evolve from monkeys.  We have a common ancestor, but we did not evolve FROM monkeys.  But evolution is logical because we can actually see the progression whereas you can not see where a "god" created everything... if you can show me that I may actually believe...

  8. The Biblical theory on the begining of life has loopholes. These inconsistencies led to the belief that humans were once apes.

    It is up to you which would you adhere to.

  9. The question is  is it ok to teach that to our kids?  And at the same time have the bible teachings persecuted?  Especially when neither one is actually proven.  One is based on faith, the other on mans toughts and assumptions.

  10. Well, just take a look at HOW incredibly similar chimpanzee babys are to our babies!  Too many similarities, bipedal, use of tools, etc.

  11. There is no logic in it whatsoever.

    No one has ever observed any species turn into another. There are thousands of missing links (the only "science" in which a negative is accepted as proof of a positive).

    In order to reproduce, two humans must have evolved in close proximity to eachother around the same time....the odds of one human evolving by accident are comparable to a tornado going through a junk yard and assembling a functional 747.

    Take an anatomy class, and for every system organ and cell you learn about remind yourself that it came about just by chance.

    Lastly buy a bucket of legos, put a dynomite charge in the bucket and blast it. Theoretically all the legos should coalesce into one of the most fantastic creations ever made with the little blocks (and yet it still required a higher being to set it into motion).

  12. I think it's actually apes.

    And if you notice all the similarities such as DNA, the fact that we have a tailbone and other traits, then yes.

    Evolution is not like going from young to old - it's more akin to an acorn growing into an oak

  13. It is proven beyond any reasonable doubt that we and monkeys and all other animals share common ancestors.  With monkeys that might go back 20 to 50 million years depending on the monkey.  There is virtually no question that physically we evolved from monkeys, just not modern monkeys.  The same thing goes for apes.

    I wish they would stop teaching people in grade school biology that we didn't evolve from apes and monkeys.  The common ancestors WERE MONKEYS AND APES.

  14. I have no idea...but, I did study the monkey family to learn how to raise my son.  Threw the parenting books away and took lessons from monkeys....and it worked.

  15. Creationism and logic are mutually exclusive. So yes, it is not only perfectly logical, it;s the only logical answer to how humans came to be.

  16. Human cromozones can only produce human kromozones.  Sorry, I do not know how to spell it.

    A woman does not have monkeys and humans.  Darwin was an IDIOT!

    How can anyone believe this.

    Do human women have monkeys and human babies.


    If Man came from monkeys, then Human women would have both.

  17. if that is true all scientists would have to be atheists. so dont worry too much about mr great grand monkey being yo' daddy.

  18. No!

    But, this misconception stemming from a typical lack of knowledge is popular among the religious among us.

    It appears that religious fundamentalist, people who hate science, really like trying to make this point.

    It only works with other religious fundies and holds no water with the sufficiently enlightened.

  19. I think it's illogical to believe we didn't evolve at all.

  20. Not at all.  Never in recorded history has any species ever evolved into a completely different species.  Darwin's research of evolution illustrated genetic mutations disposed toward aiding a species in surviving (adapting to) various environments, but there is no evidence to support that any species has undergone such intricate and numerous mutations as would be necessary for a monkey to successfully turn into a human.

  21. No.It is logical to believe that man and monkeys had a common ancestor.

  22. never really researched this but i say no... why would there still be monkeys if they evolved into humans??

  23. Some would have us to believe this theory, others believe in the bible--myself included, follow YOUR spirit.  Thanks.

  24. Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans and some apes diverged from a common hominid ancestor some 5 million years ago.

    This question doesn't belong in the Anthropology section, it belongs on the Religion board.

  25. whats wrong in beliving ?

  26. Evolutionists do not believe that humans evolved from monkeys, that's what Creationists often teach to dispel the theory of evolution. Evolutionists believe in a common ancestor for humans and apes.

  27. According to most current evolutionists, people did not evolve from monkeys, but that both apes and humans had a common ancestry many millions of years ago.  This has been an issue of contention between the science community and some religious groups who believe in creationism.

  28. Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans and monkey come from the SAME common ancestor. There was a branch and primates went one way and humans went the other.

  29. but what I wonder is how come we still have monkeys then? If we evolved from them... then they shouldnt be around anymore than, right? This is the part where I get confused.

  30. I've never seen so many answers that showed such blazing ignorance of the theory, while at the same time damning it. Actually learn about it before you say it's impossible, and learn to spell at the same time, or at least use the spell check.

    Women don't give birth to monkeys, or vice versa. It's a torturously slow process of accumulating small mutations, over hundreds of thousands of generations. We've observed evolution creating new insect and rodent species within recent human history.,2933,2033...

    Being able to skip 'inappropriate' science classes doesn't make you a better Christian, it just makes you look uneducated. If creationism is so weak that it's grip is threatened by a couple of science classes, then it's a fallacy that falls down under close observation.

    And what lack of proof? They keep digging up ape-like hominid fossils that aren't exactly human or ape. The human Y chromosome is derived from the same root as the chimp Y chromosome, and other DNA can be traced back to a common ancestor too.

    The story of Darwin's recanting is not true. Shortly after Darwin's death, Lady Hope told a gathering that she had visited Darwin on his deathbed and that he had expressed regret over evolution and had accepted Christ. However, Darwin's daughter Henrietta, who was with him during his last days, said Lady Hope never visited during any of Darwin's illnesses, that Darwin probably never saw her at any time, and that he never recanted any of his scientific views (Clark 1984, 199; Yates 1994).

  31. Not monkeys, apes. Australopithecus

    earliest known bipedal apes. said to have walked funny with a side to side waddle.

    They say these apes evolved to walk because of their environment. Africa was the origin and at the time ALL of Africa was one lushful tropical rainforest. That's one huge continent. over time the tree-line receded to the ocean and the apes living in trees now had to walk to the trees. Over time they learned not to solely depend on trees for safety. Like all primates they traveled in groups. Another reason why they stood is so that they could see over the tall grass to spot predators. This is also where communication came in. If you see a predator you "screetch" say. If you found a nice scavenge, you "hoo" 3 times. The main reason we believe we developed bigger brains is because we stood up and allowed oru skull to form in certain ways. Also, we were omnivores (as we are today) and they protein from the meat lead to bigger brains and bigger muscles. Give them 3 million years of evolution and you have a human. Humans can be very predictable if you watch them like monkeys. Lol, I do it all the time for my own amusement.

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