
Is it love or money people are really after?

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I don't know if its just a phase I'm going through or if I really feel this way but for some reason I want to believe that it's love that people really search for but for some reason I don't feel that way everyone around me is falling in and out of love quicker than I can blink but not me I'm married to my job that I've worked hard for and I would not jeapordize it for any woman or would I put a woman before it because when the day is done love will not pay any bills, debt, or food i may need. Does that make me a cold hearted person to put money before anything else?




  1. Well, you do need to be emotionally involved to be motivated in any direction. Like having feelings that push attachments to people, or to things. Might also call it ‘love’ - for people, or for things like money. The mechanism in use in the brain is about the same in either case.

    You’ve just developed a different perspective on life at present. Establishing yourself may be your life goal, so accumulations are now more important – of knowledge, job position, status, assets, etc.

    Hence the motivation to emotionally satisfying relationships with women persons is low. It may even seem a waste of time currently since, as you say, “everyone around me is falling in and out of love quicker than I can blink”.

    It doesn’t make you cold-hearted, but shows that the motivational ‘social need’ is yet to appear. Once you reach the secure zone of present goal achievements, your state of mind and motivation may change to a new direction.

  2. No... it just means you have priorities. It's good to want to be able to take care of yourself before a woman who you couldn't take care of or couldn't help you out. Anyways you don't have to be poor or jeopardize your job to find real love either. there can be a balance. I don't think your cold hearted, just smart. =)  

  3. If your attitude does not change you will never know the joys of true love or the wonderful feelings that can come from having your own children to love and love you . Honestly , money is fine but to exclude love from your life is a foolish mistake .

        Money will take care of your physical wants and needs . But who do you have to care for your emotional needs?

       You have no one to share your good fortune with or the pain which every life brings . I feel sorry for you .

  4. its happiness and fullfillment that people are after...aka love.

    but because of the modernization of the world now people are confused into thinking that its money since we spend over half our lives on average trying to get money.

    Overall when you break it down, mankind wants love. But we've built ourselves a really fancy cage and we and our children are forced to maintain this modern living in this modern cage of ours.

    Society is mixed up. Its not your fault for thinking the way you do, and that doesn't make you cold-hearted

  5. Is it love or money people are really after ?

                  answer= i am after peace of mind in this troubled world .

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