
Is it lying to say I came from South America if I came from California?

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I want to move somewhere north in a year or two or three and I know how much Californians are disliked up there.

Notice I'm not trashing the Californians, I'm just stating a fact.

Anyway, how 'bout I just say I'm from South America and don't elaborate at all... ever.

Would you consider this a lie?

Any tips on how to get an accent from Chile or where ever?




  1. Why not just say "I was born in the states, and lived in south America for x amount of years." If they ask you to elaborate, say north of Brazil, and that the forests are beautiful.

  2. to say anything other than the truth is lieing so yes that is lieing and THE BIBLE TELLS US; " GOD HATES A LIAR ABOVE ALL OTHERS"

  3. Why lie at all? If the people you meet are going to judge you on where you came from instead of the person you are, why bother? You'd only have the lie to live up to. Ain't worth it!

  4. I'm from Washington, originally from California. I promise, no one will hate you any more than they already hate people in general.

  5. I see where you're coming from but yeah, it's lying through misleading. You could say southern U.S. and be vague but South America is just too deceptive. But hey, it's your conscience - something tells me since you had to ask you have one.

  6. I don't understand the question- of course it's a lie, as you're not from South America.

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