
Is it me, or have the entire Western Media & Politicians gone blind to what started the Georgian conflict?

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.. have there been any actual western journalists reporting from South Osettia and Abkhazia? Saakashvili is being treated like some martyred saint for goodness sake.. I don't support either side in stupid mess, but the Western media and Politicians one sided approach and reporting can do no good, in fact it's doing just the opposite and ramping up the tension.




  1. When you mentioned Fox News then I knew you were off balance.  I only watch Fox News for entertainment.  

  2. I agree - the majority of the news reports in UK seem to be selective in their reports - leaving out points which favour Russia. The BBC which used to be reasonably reliable, haven't been the same since the Alastair Campbell/Greg d**e/Andrew Gilligan bust up over the 'sexed up dodgy dossier' about WMD. Their TV coverage has been appalling.

    BBC Radio (radio4 and world service) is a little more reliable- particularly the 'analysis' programmes. And some of the free thinking journalists, who write for The Independant and The Guardian have presented a more balanced view.

    Listen to George Galloway on Talksport Radio at 10.00pm tonight UK time for his take on the matter. If you're outside UK you can listen online at www.talksport   Just google it.

  3. I agree with you. I'm fuming at the bullshit coming out of their [US government and the media] mouths.

    It's hard for me to sit and watch what is happening and not being able to do anything. The media making the public believe every word they say about the situation. I am on the Russian Government's side because I know the facts.

  4. Not suprising when you consider that Bush pays journalists to print lies.

  5. Agree totally with you. I get bent out of shape when I hear them "reporting" the news. I can honestly say no I have never seen so much one sides news reports in quite a while.

  6. There is a real problem with "western free press". Its full of propaganda and serves only the elite views. I read stuff on the net to balance the rubbish here.

  7. I also think that many have missed the significant event of the week - the US signing a missile shield agreement with Poland. Russia must be feeling very isolated and surrounded, and not in a mood to tolerate aggression on it's own doorstep.

  8. I wouldn't say "western media", because that would include parts of Europe and I think it's mostly the U.S. media/politicians. I think a lot of Europe (including France, Germany, and Italy) are on Russia's side with this one.

  9. The Media can mix Truth with lies!

  10. I'm beyond frustrated as well,like you i'm not really on either side,but and at the end of the day i know when to call a spade a spade.I've never trusted western media,not since the whole Iraq fiasco,but i always considered BBC to be the best of a bad bunch,how wrong i was,i can't believe how blatantly one sided they are being,their online site is practically a hallmark sympathy card directed at Georgia.Why isn't the news that Georgian troops set fire to a house with innocent South Ossetians inside being reported and countless other incidents like this? How come no western media can back up any of  Saakashvili's claims,with tangible proof,instead they simply take his word for it.I was watching CNN europe the other day,they had a Russian spokeswoman of some kind on,her pleas were almost desperate as in.."Why won't you listen to us",she seemed genuine.

    I totally agree that Georgia must have been promised US backing of some sort...He seemed a bit too cocksure,you unstable as Saakashvili seems...I dont thinks he dumb enough to take on Russia all on his own.

    There's something seriously messed up about this whole conflict, from   all sides,I feel as though Im being lied to at every turn,its beyond confusing.

    No good will come from any of this...And western media should be ready to recieve a brunt of the blame.A-holes that they are.    

  11. American media are basically in bed with the Bush cabal.  Don't expect any real reporting out of that theater of operations.  If you want the truth, read Russian online Pravda and other papers.  Read anything but AP, Reuters and Yahoo.

    Sad but true, our media is not objective any more.

  12. In my opinion, the Russians are 100% right in their actions !

  13. No its not you, just watch the fox news item when the truth was mentioned, it was pulled ! The whole pack of lies is being pushed by america as usual. But I think the EU is finally getting a handle on the truth. Can you imagine that nutter Saakashvili being in the EU. He is flying the EU flag at every opportunity and the american flag but this is expected.According to him, the airfield was bombed on saturday yet transports are arriving daily, cities have been raised but no one knows which ones. The man is a lunatic and must be tried for war crimes or murder.

  14. "truth is the first victim of war"

    the media played their part in spreading their lies. Also the politicians, Georgia started this conflict and yet people are defending them

    This picture sums up the conflict

  15. Count me as somebody who is tired of the West taking care of other countries problems.

    We have enough problems in our own country. You don't see countries coming to the US to help us, do you?

    Time for the rest of the world to take care of their own.

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