
Is it me, or is it really hard to find good girl friends?

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I'm a 21 yr old "good girl" and looking back on the relationships I've had, I've noticed it's been really hard to keep GOOD girl friends. I'm really a loyal person but the reasons why we've stopped being friends was b/c of petty things such as insecurity and jealousy and as much as it's hard to be "friendless", I would keep distance and hopefully pray for a good girl friend. I DO have many girl friends but what I'm saying is that it's hard to find "true blue", consistent, and LOYAL girl friends.

I grew up in a household (w. a younger sister) and we were always taught to not be jealous and insecure of each other and that's how I am today. I'm a good friend - i'm loyal, listen and love unconditionally. Most girls i befriended would be insecure whenever I had success, jealous if a guy was interested (even if i wasn't), be catty and "tease" (even if they meant it).... it's hard. I'm not saying I'm perfect but are there girls out there that aren't catty?




  1. omg thats how i feel. girls can be such b****es. but i know sometimes i'm one too...

  2. hahah i have the same problem and it really suxs.  It is hard to find good friends these days. Im 23 still have the good friends problems. I had a friend who i known since i was 5 but she was very immature and two years ago i finally got fed up (long story) with a few other ppl. and we talk here and there but don't hang out and i dont talk to the other ppl at all. I also get along better with older adults or boys. It suxs i guess just have to be patient and wait until everyone grows up. gosh i really understand and know how u feel. But at elast you have a sister? its worse when your an only child. NOW it really feels like you have no one.  

  3. Yep, I understand exactly how you feel.  But there are people out there that make really good friends..  It's hard, I know, because alot of people have petty jealousies and things bother them that shouldn't or they just plain hurt you.  

    Keep your eye open for people that you really like and that have proved to be loyal.  They're the ones you want to keep.  good luck.

  4. If you see yourself that way, I think it will be hard for you to get a friend you will really like. Most of the girls are really like that...

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