
Is it me? its driving me mad!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Shop assistants who call me mate, shop assistsants who r chewing gum when they serve me, shop assistants who chew gum AND call me mate, people who shuffle along because they r 2 lazy to pick their feet, stupid women who wear metal bits on their shoes so when they walk they make a racket, loud electronic noise played over the top of tv progs & radio shows. IS THERE ANY HOPE FOR ME????????




  1. don't forget Mobile phones  ???????????

  2. Mood swings? No, honestly it's manners issue, you were raised well with good manners. I guess with time to time that you see some people with bad manners, but things went too far! Or better find out how some shop assistants had to bear with shoppers with rude manners....

    But in profession, with customer service, I've never hear anyone say mate to a gentleman shopper, most times its' sir, or madam because the shop assitant doesn't know customers' name.. Also knew the word mate is often used in Australia...

    Need a quality of peace, find an adventurous trip for 4 1/2 days away from the city, and you will be refreshed? Does that help ya out, my friend?

  3. I'm a shop asst. and I can say customers chatting on their phones, ignoring me as I check them out or serve them drives me crazy.  How rude!  I strive to give each customer personal attention but it's pretty hard when they are to busy chatting with their whoever.

  4. Sooooo don't you like all that then??

  5. some of us need to go to the mountains and be hermits.....until we can do that we need to learn how to ignore things and people who drive us crazy

  6. not sure if any of that annoys me, as long as the shop assistant is actually serving me thats the main thing.  These assistants who ignore you and chat to their colleagues really get my goat!  I do agree with you about the people who don't pick their feet up, quite slovenly.

    I think we all have a few things that get on our nerves right enough, as long as you can feel happy most of the time...

  7. dunno mate dont have a clue lmao oj i used to be a sales assistant and i chewed gum becuase i would not like to think i have smelly breath lol but i dont call people mate lol

  8. Your not alone.

  9. See a phycologest then maybe.

  10. I think you need to go back on your meds mate.

  11. It 's you

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