
Is it me ? oppionions.

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hi im 14 (entering first year of high school in sept) i moved to new jersey from staten island (halfway through 5th grade only had 3 months left of school when moved) i hate hate nj and i rather be with my friends in staten island, my mom nad dad tells me to get over it they said u moved here at a young age... i think i mived out of staten isand at the worst age ? do u agree and i plan on moving right back to ny in 4 yrs when i can lol




  1. I kinda know what you're going through because I am a NYC native (Manhattan) and I moved to Northern, NJ almost 2 years ago. It took me this long to get used to it. Luckily for me, my BF was born and raised a few towns away from where I moved to so he was able to teach me how to get around.

    I think the best thing for you to do is try to adjust. I know NJ can't compare to Staten Island but you may not be giving it a chance. Hang out with your friends in NJ even if you have to ask them to come and visit you. If you still don't like it once you're done with High School, go away for college.

  2. New Jersey is unfortunate in the fact that not too many truly like it..there are some really nice parts but compared to NY it's kind of lame.

  3. Nobody likes Jersey.Never did, never will. The governor, doesn't like it. The Devils don't like it. Exxon doesn't like it. The wind from Exxon in Linden, makes Staten Island the highest cancer rate in the USA, and still people like SI better than Jersey.

  4. you are the reason people make fun of new jersey. kid. get a life. jersey rocks harder than saten island will ever.  in fact it should be part of jersey and not considered ny.  its friggin across the street.

    done venting.

  5. Yes, nicky life sucks...but since you will be starting high school make the best of it. Sometimes you don't get to make the decisions

    or have a vote in it. Your Dad must be moving because of a career change or better position or for economically  reasons. I'm sure he's not just moving to uproot you and make your life miserable. Support him in this move, and when the time comes he will support you in your move back to NY.

    How would you have like my parents move .

    1st grade in Tex...2nd in Tx but at different school. We moved several times while in the 2nd grade once because of a house fire...where we  lost everything.

    Moved to Louisiana while in the 3rd grade. While in 3rd grade our House burnt down again...... and move to a  different part of Louisiana but same school.  My parents split up and I was at different school in the 4th mother got divorced and we moved to a different part of Lousiana for my 5th grade,  half way in that school my mother remarried and we moved to yet another school.  We stayed there for the 6th,7th,8th,9th,10th and almost the 11th.  Well, I did finish the 11th at the same school because we worked it out that I would stay with my step-father who worked  4 days then off 4 days but during the 4 off days he would be spendig time with my mother trying to get back together with  her. So, I generally spend all my Junior year as a bachellor by myself, cooking and cleaning and getting my self dressed to catch the bus.  Then I started the 12th grade at another school......


    I had 3 brothers and 3 sisters, my father was a lumber manager, he cut and hauled logs to the lumber yard. When he finished one site we

    had to relocate to another area where he would cut and haul those trees.

    When my mother divorced him we went to live with my grandparents and we couldn't just stay with them forever.  Not 7 kids.

    My mother remarried and we finally was able to settle down to a better life... he... my step father.... owned a house in the country and we lived there from the middle of my 5th grade to the end of my 11th grade. My mother and step father reunited so I was forced to move with them to a differennt part of Lousiana but at high school there some friends that I had in 4th and 5th grade........but they didn't remember me.

    I could go own telling you the good and the bad ........

    how I missed my Senior year and feeling like my Graduatd School

    is not my graduating class.  So when I refer to where I graduated I usually say where I finished the 11th even though I finished the 12th and graduated at a totally differnt school with 240 others. There was only 12 who graduated from my other school.  I recieved my class ring there and all my basketball letters fom the varsity team was there plus I was the class President of my Sophmore Year and class reporter in my Junior year. I did get to attend my Junior and Senior prom and was mentioned by seniors girls  from the Home Ecomoic  Class (they gave me their recipes for my bachellor years)
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