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  1. Can't agree with you more...They went on a hot steak and all these fans came out of the wood works talking all this smack about how their the best,now they go on a losing steak and i don't see em anymore.

  2. All teams have annoying fans, not just the Mets  

  3. Not even 1/4 as annoying as Yankee fans. Most of them don't even know anything about baseball. They just blindly tout the Yankees to be the best all the time.  

  4. i totally agree....mets fans are ridiculous. every time the mets are in 1st they come on here and brag. but when the mets are losing they are no where to be found.

  5. Well, your not alone. There are, of course, very many respectful and okay Mets fans. Samdugan is a very respectable fan (I don't think he's ever been disrespectful). There are others on here, however, that come to mind, are very annoying. I consider myself very respectful, yet I get disrespected by the obnoxious Mets fans on here.

  6. yes! i have to deal with them when they invade our stadium (philly)

    once they were spitting on statues of our hall of fame players. plus they are slobs, and talk with their annoying new york accents. i hate them!

  7. There are cockroaches.Then there is the mud on the ground  that the cockroaches walk on. Underneath that is pond scum. Then there are Red Sox fans. Below that Mets fans.

  8. I haven't noticed it yet. In my experiences it's been the Cubs, Yankees, and Red Sox fans who have been annoying. I'm not saying ALL Red Sox, Yankees, and Cubs fans are, I'm simple going on personal experiences. I have met cool fans from those teams as well. All teams have their okay fans and their annoying fans.  

    EDIT: Yeah, why not give me thumbs down for giving a thought out answer. There are a lot of as*holes on Yahoo. Just because you don't agree on an OPINION question is no reason to give a thumbs down.


  10. i'm a mets fan. i don't think i'm that annoying. i think i'm the fan of a team that's got the talent to win the divison, but not the ability to put it together. it's been their problem for years now.

  11. Have you not heard Cubs fans!? Trust me..they are a bajillion times more annoying.

  12. yes

  13. No more than red sox fans.

  14. i agree with Frizzer

    all fanbases have well kept, classy fans, and all fanbases have the polar opposite, annoying loud-mouth obnoxious fans

    the mets are no exception.especially since they have one of the largest fanbases in baseball (i would say 4th behind the BoSox, Yankees, and Cubs) you are bound to run into a larger number of annoying fans than with smaller clubs..i have many mets fans as friends and they arent annoying. ive been to Shea before and Mets fans are actually some of the most relaxed and classy fans at games..the last game i was at they lost but were still very classy about it..

    so i think yes, some met fans are really annoying, as you put it, but not ALL mets fans are really annoying  

  15. I agree it's not all of them.  Mets fans go on a 2 game winning streak and all the sudden their fans think they're the best team in baseball.  

  16. Every team has a small group of annoying fans and the Mets are no exception.  It would be nice if you could look beyond this small group to the much larger number of great baseball fans that also follow the Mets.

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