
Is it me or are birds getting a whole h*** of alot more aggressive?

by  |  earlier

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There's this bird, I don't know what kind, but if you come close to the tree it's perched it it will literally fly up to you and try to kick your a**. Have you experienced this?




  1. that would be because theres baby bird in the tree or around there

  2. The bird thinks you are a predator. It is afraid you are going to hurt it or its babies. The bird is only being protective. It is best to stay away. I recomend not going near where this happened. Birds can be very territorial with other birds and predators. Most animals see humans as predators. The bird is doing what is natural to it. A mother or father bird will put their life on the line to protect their young. Birds will do this with cats, dogs, and other predators too. Just stay away and everything should be fine.

  3. lol

    that'f unny

    maybe because there's babies in the trees?

    I have pet birds.... o.O

  4. Two reasons that it would do this.

    1. There are baby birds in the tree's and they are protecting them.

    2. they are barn swallows that swoop down to get you to leave. (barn swallows are naturally like this though.)

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