
Is it me or are the unresolved questions slowly running dry??

by  |  earlier

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  1. I still believe that many questions are a mere setup to allow friends to get points.  They are picking each others responses as best answers when they in fact do not resolve the question.  Just saying.

    The last time I suggested this in a question, my question was removed.  

    I become tired of researching information that is FACT... only to have someone who disagrees with me give me a thumbs down.  Perhaps, I am not the only one who feels this way.  Perhaps a bulletin board chat option is better.

  2. Perhaps the prevalence of that problem depends on the category.  I frequent the Social Science category, and the questions there are coming in constantly.  There are some categories where people rant a lot, and do not research either their questions or their answers much, and there are other categories where you get a lot of childish Q and A's, so some people may be tiring of those categories.  

    So there are lots of questions in some areas, and perhaps not so many in others.  In my favorite categories, I have not noticed a problem.

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