
Is it me or did Michelle Obama look like Cornelius with a new hairdo?

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Don't get me wrong, Cindy McCain looks like she's had her face rebuilt so many times she's going Michael Jackson, but how can you keep calling someone beautiful when her teeth stick out farther than her nose?!?!? Now I know why she always smiles, good Lord.




  1. I woulld love to see her try to eat a apple. I imagine her lower jaw would seperate and she would be looking like FINK or something.

  2. Don Cornelius from Soul Train or Cornelius from Planet of the Apes?

    No, she's a nice looking lady. Must just be you.

  3. Are you talking about Don Cornelius of the soul train fame?

  4. thats called an over bite and this is how she keeps obama in line

  5. yes Michelle has a face only a mother could love, BUT WHAT A ROCKIN BODY! that is why Barack likes her

  6. and what do you think about gas prices going from $1.30 a gallon in january 2001 to what they are today, and the fact that its our country's leaders belief that its good to reward corporations to send american worker's jobs overseas, and that its good to have 20 millions illegals floating around the USA taking jobs and depressing wages?  What do you think of millions of working americans facing health care costs that are so unaffordably high and do you think we are ready to open up a third war that will go on seemingly perpetually for years and years like iraq and afghnistan are doing..and do you think its a good financial move on our part?  oh...and finally, speaking of financial, do you think its a good idea to spend money that we dont have as a country to do things like fighting perpetually on going wars while borrowing the shortage from countries that are not our friends and have nukes pointed at us like china and russia?

    thanks....I would love to know what you think about these serious and important issues.

    (Edit)  no I think you are childish, and a mindless drone, and are practicing the republican specialty of politics of distraction.  YOu refuse to concentrate on intelligent discussions about real issues, because you have no real ideas as all the ones you have put forward have failed.  Bush has failed....the 6 years of GOP control of congress and Bush teaming up with them ..those policies have failed.  The economy is melting down, other countries do not respect us, etc..etc..    so you would rather talk about the futuer first lady's looks than record budget deficits or low value of the dollar or energy alternatives.

  7. Pick out any group photo of a bunch of leftists. You will note that they all have one thing in common. Butt ugly women.

  8. politics ain't pretty

  9. Stop hating.  Get a life.  That is one smart intelligent woman.You are probably just jealous.  

  10. all I can say is,what does your wife look like?

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