
Is it me or does it seem like everyone else is living large while my family is drowning in debt?

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Is it me or does it seem like everyone else is living large while my family is drowning in debt?




  1. They may seem like they are living large,but they too are drowning in debt. The economy sucks!  The rich are getting richer while everyone else is drowning in debt.

  2. People who live like kings may appear to be "doing well" on the surface but you can guarantee they're secretly peddling away like crazy behind the scenes to keep everything afloat. There's a quote I have on my wall which reads:

    "I'd like to live as a poor man with lots of money"

  3. I see plenty of people drowning in debt.  I hang around a few that only make about $15-30k/mo and they are doing alright.  Not great, but ok.

    I my self have a few debts, I stopped letting it get to me in 2002 when I got laid off twice and that caused my financial problems.  Just now recovering from it.

  4. I think a lot of people are living beyond their means. It may seem like they are doing great, but they are really living paycheck to paycheck.  Some people like to put on a front too, to give the appearance to the world they are really living high on the hog.  The true millionaires are walking around in jeans and t-shirts.  For example, my hubby and I both have great jobs, yet we only have one vehicle...why? Because right now, one is all we need:-). Because of our thriftiness, we were recently able to buy a home and pay cash for it. Yet, we have one vehicle AND we shop at wal-mart lol. Just an example of how things are not always as they appear!!:-)

  5. don't believe everything you see, they're people out there living beyond their means and owing 100s of 1000s of dollars to the banks just so they can have the best of everything and look like they are better off than everyone else!

  6. It must be you... I think you are feeling a little sorry for yourself.. and perhaps needlessly so. All of the media is currently overloaded with stories of how many families are doing it tough. High oil prices, interest rates, falling share and property values. Everyone is hurting (even if a little) at the moment...

    Families are struggling with mortgage payments and high food and fuel prices.

    Rich people are struggling with investments that are worth half what they were 12 months ago...

    so yeah.. it is tough for everyone, despite appearances....but don't worry too much, things will get better. There is a saying that I really like. I think it is appropriate to this situation, "It is always darkest just before the dawn". In other words, when it seems things are really bad, improvement is just around the corner... Smile, work hard.. things will improve soon   :-)

  7. If it is you, stop using credit so much.  Pay cash or go without.  Once you start doing that, you probably will notice a change in your spending habits.  Many families are living large on borrowed money, but you just need to take care of yours.

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