
Is it me or is Yahoo Groups not working?

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Is it me or is Yahoo Groups not working?




  1. I'm glad to know I'm not alone.  Hope they get up and running soon, because email is not working either.

  2. it is not working

  3. I'm pretty sure the groups _web server_ cluster is down. Been trying all morning. However, e-mail to already subscribed groups seems to work fine though. Someone probably needs to hit a reset button on the web server end of things.

    All the groups I subscribe to are set up to send me individual e-mails.  So, my experience is only slightly affected.

  4. Nope not working AND>>>>>They put me on autoresponder!!! Yahoo is screwy today.

    And now im MAD MAD MAD!!

  5. Yahoo groups is not working, but I don't know why.  I sure wish someone would get it working  though.....I need my fix for the morning!!!!

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