
Is it me or is anyone else tired of politically correctness, especially when it comes to AFRICAN-AMERICANS?

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When will we reject this nonsense!!??




  1. I'm just tired of political correctness!

  2. All the schools I work at still sing Baa Baa Black Sheep and have nativity plays.  It's just lies concoted by the Daily Mail.

  3. I went to a high school that was 75% black.

    I used to tease , be teased , josh around .Just like I would with any freind.

    Now , it seems that black people are off limits to good natured teasing.

    I have no problem with black people joking about things white people do , say , wear.

    why is it evil when white people do it to black people ?

    I think of it this way , remember in school when kids would be playing and one kid would get his feelings hurt and cry to the teacher ?

    Any time this kid would appear near you on the playground , the teacher would watch you all , and you would stop having fun and wait for him to leave.

    The only difference with this scenario is no black people seem to complain , its the white people that complain on their behalf.

    I believe we are all americans , subject to each others ribbing , and teasing.

    I mean come on whats next , mama jokes , cause mothers are offended ?

    In closing , yes it is non-sense , joshing around about peoples differences is not evil. Suggesting that a group of people are inferior , or perpetually ignorant , or sub human is.

    Unless we are talking about the P.C. crowd , but I think they may be here now , so I had better censure myself.

    Have a great day

  4. i think it goes far when kids arent allowed to sing 'baa baa black sheep' in case it offends someone. i am part black and a lot of the stuff people 'arent supposed to say' doesnt offend me in the slightest. i think generalising is not good and i dont use the 'n word' but political corectness has gone mad of late, yes we should respect each other but you have to draw the line somewhere. i think black people everwhere should be very thankful that things arent like they were fifty years ago. but is suppose its politicians really to blame for this. but im from the uk where racism and political corectness is less of an issue.

  5. there are no African Americans. just a made up term to avoid the true description. a recent three week visit to Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nambibia and Johannesburg, revealed that the true Africans deeply resent people that call themselves African and were not born there.

  6. I think political correctness when used correctly

    is a wonderful thing. I don't condone the use of

    the N word, But I admit I've used it and maybe

    it's time I stopped.

    African Americans should be treated with

    equal respect. If rolls were reversed and

    people were always treating you like

    some pariah because of your race

    you would sound off like they do too.

    I changed not because politics and media

    told me to, because I wanted to.

  7. Please clarify what you mean. Obviously political correctness is a good thing if it stops people referring to others with derogatory names. Do you want the word 'n1**er' still to be used to describe someone. What aspect of political correctness are you opposed to?

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