
Is it me or is it that cody rhodes still sucks?BOB is back?

by  |  earlier

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True , he is better than g*y cena and g*y a*****e batstia. But he still to me dull and boring. Just becase a guy is a heel( I am a fan of heels) does not mean he is good. The only reason he is does anything is becase of ted dibase,( very good and future world champion). Dibase is so much better than cody rhodes and once that team breaks rhodes will be a jobber and dibase will be on the way to a ic title and future world title. BTW BOB is back. He should have not been suspended in the first place. Do I like BOB? Not really , he can be an a*****e sometimes . But that is his right and should have not been suspended for that. He never trolled around and got suspended becase he had a different opinion than everyone else. He has that right and becase he hates on undertaker and aj stlyes does not mean that he is a*****e, that is his opinion. He is sometimes by treating other users like utter **** and demading a tc badge back. But that is his right and he never went around delting accounts and reporting other people. He is not a troll. BOB if you see this question, don't get me wrong I don't care for you, but you did get your account robbed.




  1. I do not believe that it returns to be champion

  2. Dude are you actually asking a question or are you just trying to start a blog??????????????????????

  3. You must me a smark since you :Think" Cena Sucks. Why do you say he sucks? Because he doesnt have the talent that HBK does. PEople are way to retarted when it comes to wrestling.

    Im done here,

  4. WHAT's your point???????????????

  5. I really like Cody Rhodes. I think he has been a lot more entertaining since he's been getting mic time in Team Priceless, and I think he is a good wrestler. He has tons of potential and I see him as a future world champion.

  6. F.U.C.K YOU

    Your a certified cena hater, your a @$$CLOWN

    Cody Rhodes he getting better, He improving his Mic Skill

    You probally loss you TC badge cause you are @$$CLOWN & @$$ CLOWN does not derserve A TC badge.

  7. dude it his not his fault

    WWE sucking everytime i see RAW cause the people that have real talent are being misused.

    how many people got released that had talent but no they decide to push the people that doesn't deserve to be champion.

    i think WWE is falling big time.

    i was getting very excited to see masked kane back but they messed up the storyline.

    well i am just getting more into TNA cause is entertaining.

  8. i hate cena and batista probably more then anyone else on yahoo. but cody rhodes is not better then those. yes they suck but Rhodes suks even more

    Dibiase jr is definately a future world cha,pion in 5 yrs time,

    Bob?Bob?Bob? nope never heared of him. i never heared of nobody losers like him.

    who cares if he lost a TC badge. if his a great user he wouldnt of lost it in the first place

    his been suspended. whoop de doo. ive been suspended 13 times and im still here providing the best answers i can and being a Top C all the time

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