
Is it me or is it them . . .? I dunno, so answer!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!?

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There is this Jerkoff from my old class. She keeps emailing me. I went on vacation from Boston and she emailed me this:

Hello sidney. r u in boston still??? r u on a boat?? i hope u fall off and drown. ha ha ha.

Creepy, right? Her name is RoseMarie. The other girl is Miandra. She's been my BFF since Kindergarten. She's turned nasty, too! I don't want to be friends with them, I don't want to talk to them but I want advice. Am I overreacting? I used to be best friends with them! Miandra might be overly obsessed with me. Way creepy. But just seriousl tell me what you think. Are they being jerks? Is it just me? Should I just tell them straight up what I think of them? I feel horrible, because I basically CREATED their personalities. They'd be no ones with out me. And I crushed them. But yet . . . nothing. I don't even hit the REPLY button anymore. It's more annoying then hurtful, now. They just need to grow up. What do you think?




  1. they need to grow up...just tell them the truth about what you think of them.

    Find new friends>> are they friends??

  2. one simple answer "CHANGE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS""

  3. Ok.They r problably hatin, u know jealous of you.jealousy of friends r extrememly common.u dont need 2 friends w haterz>>no offense<<.u need 2 tell that u r tired of them actin the way they do,tell them 2 get a hobbie nd get a life nd stop hatin off your b/c obviously they r to my opinion.if that was me i would do that.i hope my advice works.bye:)

  4. Baby, if you can create can destroy it. Let your voice be heard., tell them exactly whats on your mind!

    good luck.

  5. no, you just dont like negativite in your life. your not overreacting, just find new friends that like you and wont turn there back on you. good luck

    answer this plz:;...

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