
Is it me or that food products are getting smaller ?

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(I brought an oreo pack that comes with 6 cookies and a Little Debbie Honey Bun and they looked so small.)




  1. It's the trick of reducing the size, so you don't realize the price is actually going up.  It 1st started with a "1lb" can of coffee became 13 oz.; then "1oz" candy bars got to be 7/8s or 5/8s of an ounce. From there it's been a flood of products!!!

  2. Yeah, we are getting ripped off!   Look at the ice cream gallons.

    They are so small with new packaging.

    Even chips are smaller.

    We are paying more and getting less!  

  3. I've noticed that, too.  The 1st thing I noticed was the "new" size of a gallon of ice cream.  Also, I bought some Blue Bunny ice cream bars, and they're really tiny.  It's getting ridiculous out there.  With gas prices so darn high and everything else.  

  4. Yes, my local news did a report showing how some products have reduced their size and increased their price.

  5. All food products are getting small and less in the package but you are paying more. They call this progress by cheating.

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